Tips for Deck Safety

Deck Safety Tips Blog

Deck Safety Tips

With the summer season in full swing, more Americans are out on their decks and patios than any other time of the year. The team here at DecksDirect wants to ensure your deck is safe and sound - read on for some pro tips & tricks for inspecting your deck or making it safer.

Deck Safety Tips

Decks are supposed to be a place where families and friends can hang out and relax - this is why keeping “safety first” at the forefront of your mind is so important. The North American Deck and Railing Association - NADRA - recommends checking the following components of your deck for signs of wear and tear:


  • Ledger Boards - Doing a thorough check of your ledger boards is imperative. Correctly attaching the ledger board will ensure the deck will not fail. Make sure the correct hardware has been used for the specific type of material the ledger board is attached to, be it brick, siding, stucco or veneer.


  • Hardware - Do your railing fasteners, metal posts, or baluster connectors have a reddish color? This could be a sign of rust corrosion and could spell disaster if not dealt with immediately. Regularly inspect any and all metal hardware on your deck in order to prevent future damage.


  • Framing - Having a secure frame for your deck sets the foundation for everyone and everything on it. Look at the wood used - is it untreated, warped or rotting? Check for loose framing boards and missing connectors or joist hangers. Any issues found with the framing need attention immediately


  • Support Posts - It is vital that any and all support posts are properly secured to your deck framing; if even one connection is off, there could be dangerous consequences. Inviting a professional inspector to your property is a great way to ensure all support posts are correctly fastened and that everything else on your deck is in good working condition.


Ways to Increase Deck Safety

Aside from doing thorough inspections of your deck and all of its components, there are other ways to ensure optimal safety. Consider installing railing gates, which can help to prevent wayward kids or dogs from leaving and/or falling. Recessed lighting is an excellent way to increase visibility while timers ensure you’re never left out in the dark. All of these additions are available now from DecksDirect!

For a comprehensive guide to consumer deck safety, take a look at this 10-Point Safety Checklist from NADRA. Remember that decks are supposed to offer another way to relax and have fun - utilizing the tips and tricks above will ensure you and your family are both safe and secure all year long.

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