Knowledge Builders

  1. Create a Warm Winter Space Outside
    Categories: Ideas & Inspiration

    Create a Warm Winter Space Outside

    Posted: December 11, 2020
  2. Check out the De-icers and Decks guide to find out how to keep your deck safe in the snow!
    Categories: Cleaning, Care & Maintenance

    De-icers and Decks

    Posted: December 10, 2020
  3. Find out how to install Barrette/Duralife deck boards in three different DIY install methods!
    Categories: Project Tips

    Installing Barrette Decking

    Posted: December 09, 2020
  4. Learn more about Barrette Outdoor Living Decking and its unique looks and installation
    Categories: Product Comparisons & Reviews

    What is Barrette Outdoor Living Decking?

    Posted: December 07, 2020
  5. Find out how to create an outdoor stair lighting design for your deck, porch, and patio!
    Categories: Project Tips

    How to Create an Outdoor Stair Lighting Design

    Posted: December 04, 2020
  6. Keep your outdoor stairs and deck stairs safe for family and friends this winter!
    Categories: Cleaning, Care & Maintenance

    How to Keep Wooden Steps Ice-Free

    Posted: December 02, 2020